A NYC premiere: Chris Riffle

Chris Riffle's video for "Nothing But the Waves"

"Arresting" is arguably one of the best compliments a song can receive: a song powerful enough that gets you to stop for a minute; a song that miracolously forces you to pay attention; a song that moves you, that reminds you that there's still a part inside of you able to feel. NYC songwriter Chris Riffle's latest single "Nothing But the Waves" is such a song, and we are proud to premiere its evocative video here on The Deli NYC. Like a new Chris Isaak, Riffle keeps things simple, focusing on the depth of the lyrics and the cadence of the words, while the few chord changes drop effortlessly, but almost surprisingly, and create a melodic opening that boosts the song's emotional power.

Chris Riffle is set to release his new album 'Out of Town' on April 7, 2015, you can see him live at Rockwood Music Hall on March 31.

We added this song to The Deli's playlist of Best mellow songs by emerging NYC artists - check it out!


Goings on About Town


Poignancy, Emotion, and Spirit in a Singular Absorbing Voice